OmegaSphere -

Web Hosting Packages


All accounts are provided with a cPanel control panel, so that our clients may use the features of their accounts without requiring our intervention for most tasks.

Platinum, Reseller, and Reseller Plus packages include access to WHM (Web Host Manager) to allow a separate cPanel login to be setup for each domain (so that your clients may have access to their accounts without your intervention). Private nameservers are available without charge upon request. Domain name reseller accounts with a price of $8.95/domain are also provided free of charge so that you may offer your customers domain name registration services.

Package: Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Reseller Reseller +
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Price (paid monthly) $9.95 $14.95 $24.95 $34.95 $49.95 $79.95
Yearly Payment
1 month free 1 month free 1 month free 2 months free
1 domain free
2 months free
2 domains free
2 months free
3 domains free
Included Disk Space 25 mb 150 mb 500 mb 1 gb 4 gb 7.5 gb
Included Data
Transfer Per Month
3 gb 6 gb 12 gb 25 gb 40 gb 75 gb
Email accounts 3 5 20 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Mailing lists 0 5 15 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
MySQL Databases 2 5 15 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
FTP Access Included Included Included Included Included Included
Extra FTP accounts 0 5 15 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Subdomains(?) 0 5 15 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Addon Domains(?) 0 2 5 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Parked domains (?) 1 25 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Client accounts setup
under WHM
      100 250 Unlimited
Included SSL Sites
(extra SSL sites
0 1 3 5 10 20
Access to WHM
Private Name Servers
      Included Included Included
$8.95 Domain Name Reseller Account       Included Included Included
Shell Access
(enabled upon request)
  Included Included Included Included Included
Permission to resell       Permision to resell included Permision to resell included Permision to resell included
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Features included with every account:
  • CGI, PHP, SSI, & Perl
  • Webmail email access
  • Spam Assasin
  • Email forwarders
  • Email autoresponders
  • Site statistics - Analog, Webalizer, Awstats
  • Easy to use folder password protection system
  • FrontPage extensions
  • Guestbooks, counters, mail forms, banner management CGI scripts & more
  • Raw log file access
  • File manager
  • Redirection scripts
  • Cron jobs
  • Apache Handlers
  • Custom 404 and other error pages
  • .htaccess
  • OpenPGP
  • Chatroom scripts
  • Shopping carts
  • Search engine submitter
  • Numerous easy to install forum scripts
  • Unless there are technical reasons we can't, we will install almost anything you need to have us install on the server!

Please contact support if you are not sure which package is right for you, or if you wish to discuss a custom-made package.

  What are subdomains?

Subdomains allow you to run multiple sites within your domain name, and combined with the use of multiple FTP accounts, allow you to provide access to update parts of your site to others, while preventing them from accessing the entire site. For instance, if you were to have the site, you could setup and create a separate FTP login to have somebody else updating the news part of your website.

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  What are addon domains?

Addon domains function much as do subdomains, except they allow you to use a different domain name and run what could appear to be a completely unrelated site. For instance, it would be possible to have as your main site, and as an addon domain, with both sites having different content.

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  What are parked domains?

Parked domains are used to put the same content on different domain names. For instance, one could register,, and and use the parked domain feature to have the same site shown for all three domains.

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Random quote of the moment:
I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am. It's just the drunker I sit here the longer I get.
All prices listed in US dollars.