OmegaSphere -


InstantSSL - General Frequently Asked Questions
What is SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer, SSL, is the standard security technology for creating an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browser remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers. In order to be able to generate an SSL link, a web server requires an SSL Certificate. InstantSSL is such a Certificate, and when installed, can be used to create secure links to protect transactions, passwords, personal details, etc.

How can I test InstantSSL?

Click here to view a test page secured by InstantSSL, or if you would like to test InstantSSL on your system please feel free to try one of our fully functional Trial SSL Certificates.

Why does an InstantSSL Certificate cost considerably less than other Certification Authorities?

InstantSSL has direct access to the IdAuthority, the largest commercial directory on the web. InstantSSL can therefore expediate the validation of an application. This efficient and highly effective validation method ensures we can issue a Certificate at a greatly reduced cost as reflected through our guaranteed lowest price in the industry as well as maintain a level of validation far superior to the methods employed by other SSL providers. In particular, the validation process employed to issue an InstantSSL, InstantSSL Pro or PremiumSSL Certificate is considerably more than just a domain name ownership check - we firmly believe this method alone to be insufficient to maintain the level of integrity in SSL that consumers have come to expect.

If you would like to compare our pricing to other providers, please read the CA Comparison Chart.

Where can I find out more about the validation, issuance and management process?

As a commercial Certificate Authority, Comodo (the company through which OmegaSphere certificates are issued) publish a Certification Practice Statement. This policy document is available here.

Will InstantSSL Certificates work correctly with my customer's browsers?

In order for your customer's browser to seamlessly use an InstantSSL Certificate, they must trust our 'Root Certificate'. Our Root (provided by Baltimore Technologies) is trusted by over 99% of all current browsers, comprising all Internet Explorer 5.00 and above, Netscape 4x and above and AOL 5 and above and comes pre-installed with all Windows 98SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems. This browser compatibility makes InstantSSL as trusted as Verisign and Thawte.

What is the difference between an InstantSSL, InstantSSL Pro and PremiumSSL Certificate available through OmegaSphere?

We have outlined all the key differences in table format for your convenience - just click here to view.

In summary, InstantSSL Certificates are designed to secure intranets and transactions below $50. Our InstantSSL Pro and PremiumSSL Certificates are designed to secure all web servers. Whilst technically the three flavours of certificate are identical, due to the nature of how we intend the $49 InstantSSL Certificates to be used, they carry a reduced warranty ($50 maximum warranty). This reduced warranty enable us to further reduce the cost of the certificate to you. However, InstantSSL Pro Certificates carry a warranty of $2500 and PremiumSSL Certificates carry a greatly increased warranty of $10,000 for your total peace of mind and also include a free TrustLogo worth $119 and unlimited US toll free technical support.

What does the Warranty actually mean?

We believe it is important to protect the end user. If we were to mis-issue a certificate to a fraudulent site, and that fraudulent site has an SSL link with an end user and as a result of this the end user loses money. The end user had what they thought was a "trusted session". Comodo (the company through which OmegaSphere certificates are issued) should never have provided the fraudster with the ability to engineer this situation. Hence, we have taken out insurance to pay out money to the end user. How can we do this?

  1. We value the end customer
  2. We believe the insurance provided greater peace of mind hence allows the merchant to sell more products
  3. Most importantly, we value our validation techniques (delivered through

We pre-validate customers and provide validation that is far higher than the majority of other SSL providers. Some CA's have very weak validation hence they decide NOT to offer insurance! Finally, it is worth pointing out, that we offer high validation, but not at the compromise of speed. You can still obtain SSL instantly.

I want an increased Warranty on my InstantSSL Certificate - how can I get this?

If you require an increased warranty on your SSL Certificate, choose from the InstantSSL Pro or PremiumSSL Certificates option. This provides a greatly increased warranty of $2500 and $10,000 respectively.

How long does it take to process my application?

Provided we have sufficient validation information available through the IdAuthority (as described in our CPS), your InstantSSL, InstantSSL Pro or PremiumSSL can be issued in only minutes. If additional verification processes must be used to validate your application, the issuance process may take slightly longer. In such cases we guarantee that the Certificate is issued within 2 working days. Please contact Comodo directly to expedite your Order should it be urgent.

Why am I asked about VAT?

Comodo, the organisation behind our InstantSSL, is a UK Company. They must therefore determine if they are to charge VAT (Value Added Tax) on the advertised price of the sale. Only UK companies and EU companies without a valid VAT number will be charged VAT. If you are outside of the EU be sure to choose "Outside EU" in the VAT options in the application pages to avoid being charged VAT.

Under what circumstances would you get 'Invalid VAT number details?

A value is entered in the VAT number field, but 'Non-EU is selected.

Which versions of the SSL protocol is InstantSSL compatible with?

InstantSSL is compatible with any browsers and webservers using SSL version 3 - the de facto SSL implementation. SSL version 1 and version 2 have been superseded by version 3 for a number of years, mainly due to the inherent security flaws found in these old versions. All web browsers developed after Internet Explorer 3 and Netscape 3 use SSL version 3 (however still support older SSL protocol versions). If your webserver is only capable of supporting versions 1 and 2 of the SSL protocol we strongly recommend you contact your webserver software vendor for an update - these protocols are flawed. For more details on why SSL version 2 is no longer used can be found here:

Do Comodo SSL certificates only support 128 bit encryption?

No, they support the key size as determined by the web server or browser, if the web server or browser can only negotiate 40 or 56bit then this is session that is established

What is strong encryption?

This is another term for 128 bit encryption. All InstantSSL certificates are strong encryption.

What is SGC?

SGC is Server Gated Cryptography. This does have the ability to up rate a weak browser to a stronger (128bit) browser without the need to upgrade. It was introduced at a time that the US encryption export laws were stringent. SGC Certificates rely on the webserver software being able to handle SGC. Comodo does not at this time issue SGC certificates.

I am not a company, can I apply for a Certificate?

Yes, anyone wishing to provide a confidential and secure link between server and customer's browser can apply for a certificate

When I generate a CSR what do I put in the Common Name field?

The Common Name field contains the domain or server name. Do not include http:// or https:// before the name or any subfolders indicated by the / after the domain name

I ordered my certificate but chose the wrong type of web server, do I need to re-apply?

The web server details are for our records and support purposes only. The certificates are the same format irrelevant of the web server chosen.

How can I learn the status of my application?

Contact support at with your order number and a member of the issuance team will be happy to update you

I have made a mistake in my application

If you have already submitted your application please contact quoting your Order Number and details of the mistake. In some cases you may need to submit a replacement CSR.

Can I apply for a certificate for each sub-domain of the main domain?

Yes, but it can be simpler and more cost effective to use a Wildcard certificate which protects all sub-domains below the primary named domain. For more information please contact [Email Address]

Random quote of the moment:
Arcserve crashed the server again.
All prices listed in US dollars.